You are here: Modules > Creating Content > Creating a New Topic

Creating a New Topic

MadCap Flare projects are divided into topics, which contain content. You can think of each topic as a document, such as in Microsoft Word. Topics contain text, images, and all other content that appear in a finished project. However, unlike a Microsoft Word document, topics are managed separately from the formatting of a project’s appearance. While inline editing is possible to an extent within topics, this guide strongly recommends using styles whenever possible. See “Formatting with Styles” to learn about styling a Flare project.

  1. Right-click the Content folder in the Content Explorer. A context menu appears.
  2. Select New. A context menu appears.
  3. Select Topic. The Add File window appears.
  4. Select the radio button next to "New from template."
  5. Select a topic template from the list of templates.
    1. Select NewTopic.htm in the Factory Templates folder to create an empty topic.
    2. Select a different template to create a topic for a specific purpose, such as for a glossary. These topics come with some preset formatting.
  6. Type a name for the topic in the “File Name” field.
  7. Click Add. The new topic is saved to the Content folder in the Content Explorer and appears on the right side of the screen.